Conflicts are omnipresent. Unfortunately, very few of us know how to deal with them. And so our relationships often break. But conflicts also have the potential to improve ourselves and strengthen our common bonds. I’ll show you how.



Conflicts are omnipresent.

Unfortunately, very few of us know how to deal with them.
And so our relationships often break.

But conflicts also have the potential
to improve ourselves and strengthen our common bonds.

I’ll show you how.

"Make Conflict Count" - coming soon

If conflict has the power to destroy entire nations, wouldn’t it be conceivable to harness that power positively?

What if conflict is not inherently negative, but simply the dormant potential between two people, groups or nations waiting to be unleashed?

And what would happen if we harnessed it?

In our homes, our teams, our communities?




Why do we often feel so powerless in conflicts, as if they just happen to us?

Relationship conflicts often escalate quickly because they develop a momentum of their own: Misunderstandings, emotions, and mutual hurt intensify in a kind of spiral. The further the conflict progresses, the more people can be drawn into it – whether through taking sides or indirect involvement. As a result, the conflict becomes more entrenched and seems increasingly difficult to resolve.

At the same time, we tend to overlook our part in it. We declare our behavior as necessary or justified through self-deception and justifications while judging the other person’s as unjust or wrong. This prevents self-reflection and makes change impossible. As long as we are convinced that only the other person is to blame, we feel powerless – and the conflict remains.


Conflict made easy: A simple method for reconciling after an argument.

The quickest way to defuse a conflict is not to convince the other person – but to understand them. 

Compassionate curiosity can free us from the dead end of needing to be right. By asking open questions and listening honestly without immediately firing counterarguments or defending ourselves, we open ourselves up to the other person’s point of view.

We often realize that our own perception is incomplete and that our words or actions have unintentionally hurt. When we discover what the other person is going through and what pain we have  caused them (even if unintentionally), space is created for genuine compassion. In this moment, the conflict loses momentum – and connection becomes possible again.


The power of conflict has enormous potential - but how can we harness it?

The incredible power of conflicts can often lead to destruction. But when we manage to use it constructively, something new is created, something that is more than the sum of its parts – like a child is a unique combination of both parents. I call this creative power the “Third Space” – a dimension full of possibilities that arises from apparent opposites.

This space arises from the balance of two essential forces: love and courage

Love means a willingness to cooperate – the ability to understand and honor the hopes, wishes, and goals of others. 

Courage means assertiveness – recognizing what we really want and communicating this clearly. 

Only when the two come together does a dynamic emerge that not only resolves conflicts but also raises relationships to a new level.

Those who enter the Third Space discover a creative potential that goes far beyond mere compromise – it opens up new perspectives, deeper connections, and genuine transformation.


As you can see, I’m a lucky guy. My two girls mean everything to me.

But the blessing of a solid marriage and family only came after some difficult trials. I was 15 when my parents divorced. Although not uncommon in this day and age, this dispute divided my entire extended family – not least because of my own inadequacy in dealing with conflict.

It was only on the other side of the world that I came across the academic field of peace and conflict studies. There I learned that I was not alone in my experiences – and that there are methods for healing and reconciliation. 

Since then, my goal has been to understand everything I can about conflict resolution in order to help others improve their relationships. 


Who we are

We believe that conflict doesn’t have to be destructive. On the contrary, we have learned that it contains the power to shape and change us for the better.

Through understanding and employing the right tools, we have been able to transform our challenges, heal our relationships, and find new hope, joy, and peace.

This is what we offer to you. Explore the deeper roots of your conflicts with us and we’ll help you find the Third Way.

Eric Hachenberger: Founder, Coach

Born and raised in Austria, Eric’s family soon fell apart with the divorce of his parents. His inability to cope with conflict sent him on a search for peace all the way to the islands of Hawaii. There, as student of peacebuilding and conflict resolution, he found that he was not alone in his struggle – and that there were remedies. Ever since, he has been an advocate for peace.

Interested in joining our team? Contact us under


Introduction Workshop

A two-hour crash course on conflict roots and -styles; self-awareness tools; finding the Third Way

Next Sessions: 
– October 7th 2021, 8pm CET (virtual)
– November 4th 2021, 8pm CET (virtual)

Price: 29 €

Are you stuck in a conflict you feel unable to solve?
Do you want to improve a challenging relationship?
Or are you simply interested in leveraging the power of your conflicts?

Then join us on an exploration of the roots of conflict. Learn where our human psychology has become our enemy in solving problems in a collaborative way. Understand your personal conflict style. Become more comfortable at embracing the potential of your conflicts. And above all, learn about the Third Way, the path forward that will allow for peace and growth. 

Reach out to us to get access:


Individual Coaching:

Free introduction meeting;
continuous coaching

Personal Conflict:

Are you struggling with grief? Is your faith shaken? Do you feel unhappy with yourself? 

Conflicts are like pain, pointing us to areas in our lives that need attention, work, transformation. 

Interpersonal Conflict:

Are you stuck in an unavoidable relationship? At work? At home? Do you wish to improve a relationship but feel like it is deteriorating?

Such struggles show us where we have failed to put in enough (or the right) effort to make these relationships fulfilling.


Stop putting painkillers on these wounds. Reach out to us to take the healing into your own hands.

Price: 129 € per session 



Two individual preparation meetings;
continuous couple/family counseling

For most of us, family is the center of our lives. It is where we learn and thrive. 

Yet it can also be the place where we experience the deepest pain. The divorce rates and domestic violence figures in most western countries prove that the family ideal is often hard to achieve. 

The reasons are manifold, but most have to do with our inability to address and solve central conflicts in our relationships. 

The go-to advice “just communicate better” is like telling a toddler to just walk. 

Mediation brings a third side to the table to translate needs and feelings between the two parties. It removes the load of accusation and blame, and helps the parties to return to a positive and productive way of engaging with each.

– Preparation Meeting: 75 € each
– Mediation: 250 € per session


Unity Workshop:

One-day training for groups up to 20 people

Real unity is hard to achieve, but  its fruits are worth the effort.

Every member of a team brings unique skills and perspectives to the table. And the group can be more efficient for it, but only if they can leverage these differences. 

The Unity Workshop addresses  three core problems that can rip a team apart, and their solutions:

Participants will learn tools (1) to get comfortable with conflict, (2) get comfortable with failing, and (3) get comfortable with sharing.

Once unity is unleashed, it holds the power to real success.

Price: 59 € per participant




Get in touch with us and start tackling your conflicts today 

“Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.” – Mahatma Ghandi